Welcome! With heartfelt joy, I greet you from my little corner of the internet. My name is Paige, founder of Wild Resonance Collective. My ultimate joy lies in helping others return to their ‘WILD’ (i.e. the inherent wisdom within), backed by the propelling support of a community of fellow travelers.
I am a Nationally Certified Counselor with an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling*, currently embarking on a Ph.D. in Psychology: Consciousness & Society program; however, I was born with a rebellious spirit. I am here to answer the call to take the unconventional path and help others find transformation outside of the current mental health paradigm.
Embracing the beauty and light in us all, inclusivity and accessibility are of utmost importance in this space. I invite you to join us in celebrating the transformative power of the unconventional, returning to our innate wisdom, and embarking on our journey of liberation and empowerment.
*For further clarity, I do not practice Clinical Mental Health Counseling, nor do I treat or diagnose mental health disorders. I simply hold a degree and unlicensed experience in non-profit work in this field.
Together, let us dance to the rhythm of our
wild resonance
More about me: Highly-Sensitive, High-Sensation-Seeking Person // Human Design: 6/2 Projector // Enneagram: 4w5 // Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, Gemini Rising, Pisces NN
MY 1:1 methods
Trauma Informed
A trauma-informed approach is deeply embedded in the ethics of Wild Resonance Collective. I will never tell you what to do. I see myself as a helpful guide, not a boss or a guru. Your body-spirit-mind safety always comes first. I will strive to consistently provide a safe container where you can relax in the freedom of non-judgment and supportive encouragement towards your highest good.
Somatic Focus
I believe that transformation starts in the body. Our bodies contain all the wisdom we need to live our lives to the fullest. Trauma, conditioning, and simply living life in our modern world often disconnects us from this wisdom, but we always have the power to find our way back to our ‘WILD.’
Integration & Outcome
We will collaborate using various tools to help you integrate your experiences inside and outside our working relationship. Different tools work for different people, and no tool will ever be forced on you. Potential tools may include inner child work, meditation, somatic exercises, breathwork, dream work, imaginal work, and more. If you are tired of spinning your wheels and ready to commit to meaningful practices leading to transformation in your body-spirit-mind, let’s work together!
Bachelor’s Degree: Communication
Master’s Degree: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Current PhD in Psychology: Consciousness & Society student
Training in somatic work, attachment work, emotional roots of chronic pain, and nutrition/integrative medicine
Work Experience
I worked in the domestic violence non-profit sector for 2.5 years. There, I co-facilitated batterer-intervention groups and conducted individual and group counseling for survivors of domestic violence. I also delivered psychoeducational public presentations to the community on Adverse Childhood Experiences and Domestic Violence.
Personal Experience
I am a highly intuitive, highly-sensitive person. Though my position in the world certainly provided some privilege, I grew up in challenging circumstances. After experiencing my own dark night of the soul 9 years ago, I began to heal from abuse, religious trauma, relationship anxiety, intrusive thoughts, depression, deconstruction, and codependency. Inner child work saved my life during my darkest time. Many tools, mystical experiences, relationships, and communities have further contributed to my healing over the years. This work continues every day, and I will never “have arrived.” Only now, I see the work as a miraculous opportunity instead of a burden. When each of us commits to our own healing, we are simultaneously healing the world.
To make my courses more affordable, I offer PayPal pay-in-four and sliding scale options. In addition, I occasionally offer discounts or scholarships. Follow me on Instagram for these announcements.
I strive to make all of my courses accessible for any belief system or lack thereof. Some of my courses will have guided meditations. Though meditation has its roots in Hinduism and Buddism, all are welcome and encouraged to modify practices in the ways that feel best for them.
Courses are topic specific but can provide you with tools and resources that can be used on their own and are applicable to other areas. Course content is accessible for as long as I offer the program. Working with me 1:1 will be tailored to what you desire to work on. You may learn tools that can serve you for a lifetime in our 1:1 sessions; however, once the session is over, it cannot be replayed.
Growing up as a highly-sensitive child, I associated the word “coach” with someone who yells commands at you. As for counseling, although I hold the credential of “Nationally Certified Counselor” I, like many of us in the field, find myself disillusioned with the modern mental health paradigm, while also recognizing its necessity and benefit for many. I do not consider my 1:1 work with clients to be either coaching or counseling. I see myself as more of a body-spirit-mind guide and educator. I do not treat or diagnose mental health disorders. I recommend anyone seeking help for these issues to work with a licensed professional.